torsdag 12. november 2009

Støttearrangement for Pain Solution på Blitz

Lørdag 15. august ble FakirSkolen rammet av brann. Årsaken til brannen er fortsatt ukjent.Pain Solution og FakirSkolen har mista det meste av kostymelageret, er god del rekvisitter og annet utstyr... Nå samler fakirene inn penger til å produsere FakirSkolens Siste Eksamen som har premiere på MS Innvik 17. desember, med et støttearrangement på Blitz.

Fredag 13. november på byr Pain Solution på det Sideshowet FakirSkolen har turnert med siden juli.

Billetten koster 70,- Dørene på Blitz åpner kl 21, showet starter kl 22!

mandag 9. november 2009

Audition for Circus Gerbola 2010 Season (Feb-Oct)

This small traditional family circus was set up in 2001 and is run by proprietors Mikey and Tara Gerbola who come from a long line of circus families. Recently they have received Arts Council Funding for the development of their shows. The 2010 show is inspired by Moulin Rouge.

Auditions are in Bristol on November 27th.  11.00 – 2.00 at Circomedia, Portland Square, Bristol BS2 8SJ

We are looking for high quality, family, duo and solo acts (in a range of skills) and clown, with artists who have a flexible approach to their work. Previous experience of working in a touring circus is not essential but artists must be able to commit to the full season. Pay is relative to quality and experience. Artists need to have their own insurance for auditions; the tour is covered by Gerbola’s Policy. It is preferable, but not essential, that artists have their own accommodation and transport.

Circus Gerbola tours mostly in Southern Ireland, two and three night stands, with three, one week long stands in the major cities.

Further details on Terms and Conditions are available on request.

Please send C.V. and promotional DVD to Tara Gerbola at or hardcopy to:

Tara Gerbola, The Grange, Lucan County Dublin, Ireland

0r call Southern Ireland   00353  08637 00620

torsdag 5. november 2009

New Nordic newsletter: Call for circus news again!


What is happening in Norway?

Write news and activity, performances and plans, in english and send it to Sverre Waage on

The newsletter is distributed on the NNCN (New Nordic Circus Network) website and to all new circus and contemporary circus people through out the world.

Norwegian circus news in English, please, before 16th of November!